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Attorney to Defendant Claim under Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 and Claim of Violation under California Health & Safety Code §25249.6

Orange County

Attorney to Defendant Claim under Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 and Claim of Violation under California Health & Safety Code §25249.6

I have a client who is a Southern California grocery store chain that has been served with: 1. A 60 day notice of intent for violation of the safe drinking water and toxic enforcement act of 1986 (2 notices for the same claim with different dates); and 2. A notice of violation under California Health & Safety Code §25249.6 and 60 day notice of intent to sue. I am looking for attorneys well versed in the defense of such claims to refer to the client. Thank you!
Nov 06, 2020

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